Top Reasons to Advertise with Us!

  1. We Make You Money
    What's the bottom line of every advertising campaign? Distribution, Demographics, Readership? Costs? No! The real measurement for the success of any advertising campaign should be "Dollars In The Door". Our entire business model revolves around this principle. We are so confident that our magazine and digital ads will produce the results you need and demand that all sales are "Pay-As-You-Go". No contracts whatsoever!

  2. No Contracts Required
    At it's not about selling you ads and "locking you in" to paying for something that may or may not work. We know that when it "works" for our clients they will "want" to do it over and over again - hence no contracts required.

  3. We Make You Look Good
    Like most business owners, you have probably spent many years building your business and you care about it's image. Our Magazine is hands-down the BEST LOOKING MEDIA AVAILABLE ANYWHERE. Printed in full color on heavy weight gloss paper ~ it has a "coffee table" quality that increases the shelf-life and your exposure.

  4. Website / Mobile App
    Our Website / Mobile App will put your business in front of your local audience with millions and millions of visits per season! In addition, is the only advertising medium in the DELMARVA area capable of hitting your future customers before they even get here! A large percentage of our visitors are in DC, VA, MD and PA, watching our local fishing action before they get here on vacation! You can now target these vacationers BEFORE they get here without paying the higher advertising rates in their home/metro areas.

  5. 100% Trackable
    John Wanamaker (1838-1922) was a very successful United States merchant, religious leader and political figure, considered by some to be a "pioneer in marketing". He is credited with coining the phrase "Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half." At GreatAnglers we will NOT be part of the wasted half! When you advertise with GreatAnglers you WILL know it's working. We can design your ad so you can track every customer and dollar it generates. Whether it is ad based incentives, digital/print promotions, redemption codes, tracking phone numbers, etc. We will work with you to create a campaign that doesn't just work, but works hard for you.

  6. R.O.I. (Return on Investment)
    Whether or not you should advertise with us (or with anyone else for that matter) should come down to R.O.I. (Return On Investment). Will you end up making more money than you spend - and at what rate? How many customers do you need to gain to justify the expenditure? We look forward to collaborating with you on a concept, crafting a message and developing the creative concept required to make it a success. In the end the results will speak for themselves - but we know it will start a mutually rewarding relationship for years to come... without any contracts :)

Drop us a quick note with your phone number and we will call you back asap.

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